Cynthia Hallett, MPH, is the President and CEO of Americans for Nonsmokers' Rights (ANR) and the ANR Foundation, where she’s worked since 1997. Cynthia’s career in tobacco control began in 1989 at the Los Angeles County Department of Health Services Tobacco Control Program. Over the last 28 years, she has spearheaded successful smokefree air campaigns, tracked and exposed tobacco industry interference, served as a media spokesperson and keynote lecturer, as well as provided technical assistance, training, and strategic guidance on smokefree workplaces including restaurants, bars, and casinos, tobacco-free college campuses, and electronic cigarette restrictions across the U.S. and internationally.
Cynthia’s early training was in cancer control and prevention, and she has worked at the National Cancer Institute and the UCLA Comprehensive Cancer Center. She received her Bachelor of Arts and Master of Public Health degrees from University of California, Los Angeles. She has served as a Governing Councilor and Chair for the Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs (ATOD) Section of the American Public Health Association, is a Board Member of the Cigarette Butts Pollution Project, a member of the UCSF/Truth Tobacco Industry Documents Library Advisory Board and the Global Smokefree Partnership, and served on the Steering Committee for Communities Putting Prevention to Work project.