Governor Bill Lee Signs SB2219

On June 1, 2022, Governor Bill Lee officially signed SB2219, a bill that restores local option to make bars and music venues smokefree, along with ANRF's Artist in Residence Jamie Kent, Rep. Carringer and family, Stephanie Strutner from Prevention Alliance of TN (PAT), and a local PAT coalition member.
The law took effect on July 1, 2022.
Now that preemption has been repealed in Tennessee, we are excited to support local smokefree campaigns.
House Bill 2705 passed in the full TN House of Representatives by a 56-33 vote!!!
With this passage, both the state Senate and House have agreed that cities across the state should finally have the ability to regulate smoking inside music venues and bars; a first and crucial step that empowers Tennesseans to advocate within their own communities for smokefree workplaces for musicians and hospitality workers!
Thank you to each and every one of you that called and emailed legislators, shared messages of support on social media, and stood in solidarity with us. It was a tight vote and it wouldn't have happened without you and your support!
Are you feeling especially overjoyed like us and want to thank members of the Senate and House for passing our bill? Please share our graphic on social media or email a thank you to legislators that you reached out to.
Best, Jamie Kent
Protect Musicians' Livelihood
Toss $5 in the Virtual Tip Jar
It’s time to protect musician’s workplaces.
Secondhand smoke exposure threatens the livelihood of musicians and artists as well as the servers and staff powering the venues that put on our favorite shows.
ANR is hard at work from Nashville to Lake Charles to protect the treasured voices of artists and musicians. And our ANR Foundation project Smokefree Music Cities has helped to shine a light on just how hard it is for culture bearers like musicians to work in smoky venues. Many of the musicians featured in our Smokefree Music City shows during the pandemic gave heartfelt testimony about how they are affected by secondhand smoke.
“Smoke is a singer’s kryptonite! Gagging in the middle of a song due to smoke in the room from those who ignore rules or where there are no rules, is torture. People should not be forced to be exposed to smoke at music venues. There is no risk-free level of exposure to someone else’s drifting smoke.”
Support Smokefree Air for Your Favorite Band
Leave $20 in Our Virtual Guitar Case
The vast majority of Tennesseans enjoy a safe, healthy, and smokefree workplace, and musicians are just hoping for the same.
The global pandemic was particularly challenging for our friends in the music industry, we stand with them because we believe everyone deserves the right to breathe smokefree air.
Give to ANR today and help us win this crucial fight for smokefree air!
Thank you so much for supporting smokefree work in Tennessee and nationwide.
The momentum of this movement has inspired leaders in one of America’s most treasured music cities, Nashville, Tennessee. Musicians for a Smokefree Tennessee – a coalition of musicians, public health partners, and businesses – have come together to call on lawmakers to make music venues 100% smokefree.
ANR is leading the charge to close gaps in smokefree protections, and can take direct action to make voices heard in the state of Tennessee's next legislative season.
Musicians for a Smokefree Tennessee
Help create smokefree music venues
Entertainers are exposed to secondhand smoke
Lack of local control takes its toll
Learn more about the status of smokefree air in Tennessee with the ANR Foundation's Bridging the Gap report.