Maggie Hopkins is the Director of Data Management and Analysis of the American Nonsmokers' Rights Foundation, sister organization of Americans for Nonsmokers' Rights. She maintains the U.S. Tobacco Control Laws Database©, which contains tobacco-related law activity for close to 6,000 cities, counties, states and territories across the U.S. This national database of laws is a unique resource in the field of tobacco control, and perhaps unique in the field of public health in general. She produces numerous lists, maps, and tables about the laws, and creates customized data runs for researchers, health departments, and advocates to help advance their tobacco control efforts. Maggie began her career at the ANR Foundation by maintaining a database of contacts for the award winning "Teens As Teachers" smoking prevention program, then moved into the ordinance department and the role of Policy Analyst, then to Senior Policy Analyst, and later into her current position as Director of Data Management and Analysis. Maggie has a BA from Macalester College in Anthropology and Urban Studies, with a minor in Sociology.